Below is a reverse chronological list of presentations I have given or will be giving at various conferences and workshops.
- Practical uses of the Church-Turing Thesis, revisited. ASL Special Session at the 2025 Central APA, Virtual (2025/02/28). Slides
- Justification by Confluence. 2024 Fudan Conference on Logic and Metaphysics, Fudan University (2024/04/26-28). Slides
- Metamathematical methods in descriptive set theory. Fudan Logic Seminar 2024, Fudan University (2024/04/26). Slides
- Pre-history of Invariant Descriptive Set Theory. Fudan Logic Seminar 2024, Fudan University (2024/04/24). Slides
- Infinity and Paradox (in Chinese). Invited public lecture, Beijing Language and Culture University (2024/04/23). Slides
- Justification by Confluence. Peking University Logic Seminar, Peking University (2024/04/22). Slides
- Justification by Confluence. The sixth Young Scholars in Science and Philosophy workshop, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2024/04/20-22).
- Confluence Phenomena in Mathematics. Notre Dame Student Logic Reading Group, Online (2023/05/01).
- The Classification Turn of Descriptive Set Theory. The 2nd Nancy-Irvine Workshop on Formalization in Logic, Language, and Mathematics, UC Irvine (2023/04/28-29).
- The Classification Turn of Descriptive Set Theory. The Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications (C-ALPHA), UC Irvine (2023).
- Random Oracles in Recursion Theory and Descriptive Set Theory. The Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications (C-ALPHA), UC Irvine (2022)
- Is the constructible universe formalism-free? Peking Unversity Logic Seminar, Online (2021/11/09.)
- On a Church-Turing Thesis for definability Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2021, Online (2021/09/09-11).
- Is the constructible universe formalism-free? Delta 14 Logic Workshop, Online (2021/04/10).